Academic Advising

A biology professor advises a student in their office

Academic advising is considered an integral function of the teaching role of faculty members. When you start at Pitzer College, you'll be assigned a faculty adviser. 

You are encouraged to consult frequently with your adviser concerning the formulation and development of your academic program. However, your relationship with your academic adviser goes far beyond formal approval of course enrollment selections. 

In addition to helping you select courses, the relationship you develop with your adviser should allow for easy discussions of a variety of issues:

  • Goal-setting
  •  Time management
  • Balancing academics with other parts of life
  • Adjusting to the academic rigors of Pitzer College

 In short, you should have discussions with your adviser about how to achieve and maintain academic success at Pitzer.

Student Academic Advising Handbook (PDF)

Advising Program for Students

A biology professor advises a student in their office

Your First Year

Welcom to Pitzer! We're here to help you make good decisions about your academic journey. 

First-Year Academic Advising
A biology professor advises a student in their office

Your Sophomore Year

The sophomore year experience offers opportunities to take what you’ve learned and apply it to pursuits in your fields of interest.

Sophomore Academic Advising
A biology professor advises a student in their office

Your Junior Year

By now, you will have a solid sense of your academic path to declare a major by the middle of the fall semester. 

Junior Academic Advising
A biology professor advises a student in their office

Your Senior Year

You're on your way to ending your time at Pitzer. Pay close attention to academic deadlines, visit the career center, and make a post-Pitzer plan. 

Senior Academic Advising

Contact Us

portrait of Phil Zuckerman
Phil Zuckerman
  • Professor of Secular Studies and Sociology
  • Associate Dean of Faculty
  • Secular Studies and Sociology Field Groups